Internet Resources for Mental Health, Addiction, Abuse and Rape

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Internet Resources

National Alliance on Mental Illness:

For loved ones seeking instruction and support.

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance:

Patient support group info. and listings.

National Institute of Mental Health: Bipolar Disorder:

Dual Recovery Anonymous:

A twelve-step program for dual diagnosis: mental health issues combined with substance abuse problems.

Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation:

Info. on pediatric bipolar disorder.

U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233or

UK: call Women’s Aid at 0808 2000 247.

Australia: call 1800RESPECT at 1800 737 732.

Worldwide: visit International Directory of Domestic Violence Agencies for a global listing of helplines and crisis assistance centers at:

1-800-656-HOPE Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)

Or visit for international child helplines.

Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)

CSAT has a 24-hour National Treatment Referral Hotline (1-800-662-HELP). This is a great place to find information and referrals for treatment programs 

Alcoholics Anonymous®:

AA is an excellent support group for alcoholics to help each other find and maintain sobriety.

Valuable information on addiction & co-occurring disorders     (for example, people battling both mental illness and addiction.)


Assistance for families of alcoholics. Al-anon and alateen (for teens) have support groups and info.


Narcotics Anonymous Support Groups and Info for those Struggling with Addiction:

Addiction Treatment at Home from Addictions UK: UK can also assist families and friends of their clients. Free confidential phone line. 0845 4567 030.

You may be in an emotionally abusive relationship if your partner:

  • Insults you, engages in name-calling, or habitually criticizes you.

  • Lacks trust and is jealous or possessive.

  • Isolates you from family or friends.

  • Monitors what you do, the places you go, who you call, and who you spend time with.

  • Does not want you working.

  • Controls finances, dictates, or refuses to share money.

  • Punishes you by withholding affection.

  • Makes threats to hurt you, the children, or your family.

  • Humiliates you with words or deeds.

You may be in a physically abusive relationship if your partner has ever:

  • Damaged property when angry (thrown things, kicked doors, punched walls, or destroyed things you value, etc.).

  • Punched, pushed, slapped, bitten, kicked, spit on, or choked you.

  • Abandoned you in a unsafe or unfamiliar place.

  • Frightened you by driving recklessly.

  • Used a weapon as a threat.

  • Forced you out of your home.

  • Trapped you in your home or car and kept you from leaving.

  • Stopped you from calling police or seeking medical attention.

  • Injured your children.

  • Used bodily force in sexual situations.

If you answered yes to these points, you may be in an abusive relationship. Please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233), 1-800-787-3224 (TTY), or your local domestic violence center to talk with someone about it.

Symptoms of Depression and Mania:


Depression: is a mental disorder characterized by persistent low mood that is accompanied by low self-esteem and by a loss of interest  in normally enjoyable activities. In addition, four of the following symptoms should also be present nearly daily for at least two weeks:


  • Significant weight gain or loss

  • Excessive slumber and/or lying in bed

  • Feeling restless or sluggish to the point that others notice

  • Exhaustion or loss of energy

  • Feelings of worthlessness or extreme or inappropriate guilt

  • Diminished ability to think or focus, and indecisiveness

  • Persistent thoughts of death, repeated suicidal thoughts without or without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt

  • Loss of desire to do things that were previously enjoyed

  • Eating too much or too little

  • Isolation

  • Intense negativity

  • Suicidal thoughts and ideation

  • Irritability


Mania: A diagnosis for a manic episode includes either an elevated or an irritable mood lasting at least a week, plus three or more of the following symptoms:

  • Energetic, excitable, may be highly productive

  • Impulsive and hazardous sexual behaviors, like sexual promiscuity

  • Being easily sidetracked

  • Hyper-sexuality

  • Decreased need for slumber

  • Talking a lot

  • Extreme focus on goal-directed activity

  • Grandiose thinking

  • Decreased need for food

  • Extreme spending

  • Recklessness

  • Charm and charisma

  • Racing thoughts

Mixed episodes

A mixed episode includes symptoms that are both manic and depressive.

People with bipolar disorder exhibiting psychotic symptoms, like audio or visual hallucinations can sometimes be misdiagnosed with schizophrenia. Self diagnosis can be dangerously  inaccurate. Always seek assistance from a trained professional regarding matters of your health. Thank you.